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A Talented Author: Minister Jalisa Hardy

I’ve always been passionate about writing and impressed by the influence it has on people and the decisions they make in life. I love engaging with people about my story and their story. I am a curious Author, interested in knowing what makes people think, act, and speak the way they do. In my first book, I share my story of how I overcame many hardships using My Five F's to Freedom. Through my hardships, I learned that I have everything I need to succeed. I am free. I am whole. I am capable. IT'S ALL IN ME!

About The Author
"It's All In Me!"
My Journey to Freedom & Living Abundantly

Purchase a copy of "It's All In Me" for $21.99 (FREE S&H for 1 copy and tax included only available in the US). 

About The Author

I’ve always been passionate about writing and impressed by the influence it has on people and the decisions they make in life. I love engaging with people about my story and their story. I am a curious Author, interested in knowing what makes people think, act, and speak the way they do. In my first book, I share my story of how I overcame many hardships using My Five F's to Freedom. Through my hardships, I learned that I have everything I need to succeed. I am free. I am whole. I am capable. IT'S ALL IN ME!

Who is This Book For?
  • If you want to get on your journey to freedom and living abundantly

  • If you have a hard time forgiving

  • If you need encouragement for the difficult situation you are trying to overcome

  • If you feel like you are suffering in silence and have no voice

  • If you need a reminder that "It's All In You!"

  • If you want to learn how to escape toxic relationships


If any of these speak to you or someone you know this book is for you!

(240) 343-4177



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